суббота, 10 марта 2012 г.


How and when domestication began, some information is known. This is almost no information of any legends or in the historical annals. It is believed that the Stone Age people have had with him almost all the major domestic animals.

 The oldest historical record, the Bible says about cows, sheep, horses, and others, as the most ordinary accessories of pastoral farming and fishing people. In short, the time when man domesticated animals today, remains unknown, as well as unknown and the origin of most of the domestic mammals.It is believed however, that each of the animals had a wild progenitors. Evidence of this are the studies of bones found in the remains of pile dwellings. In the analysis of excavations failed to distinguish between the bones of animals from the bones of their relatives wildlife. Thus, we can assume that at that so far from our era, which does not remember any story, any story, the same animals could be wild and domesticated.Currently, species, which include some of the pets, do not occur in the wild. For example, a cow and a horse - only domestic species.Pets - animals that were domesticated by man and that it contains, by providing them with shelter and food. Pets bring benefit to man or as a source of goods and servicesor as a companionbrightened his leisure. Most pets are easily propagatedThroughselection, a person can control the breeding of domestic animals and signs, whichthey transmit to their offspring.Part of the domestic animals (farm animals) bring direct material benefit to man, for example, as a source of food (milk, meat), materials (wool, leather). Other animals (cattle, the working and service animals) are beneficial to man, performing job functions (transportation of goods, protection, etc.).

The second largest category - it companion animals that occupy leisure time, fun, and with whom you can communicate. For urban residents the term "pets" often associated with the second category, that is, the "pets (pets)." Many families who keep the house kakih-nibud animals indicate that these animals provide comfort, soothe, relieve stress.Keep in mind that the animals of the same breed can often be used for different purposes. For example, some breeds of rabbits for meat and fur harvesting, and someone keeps a rabbit as a house pet. Some of the waste products of animal companion can be used as small industrial raw materials. Thus, from the long-haired dogs and cats, or rabbits, you can collect a certain amount of wool used to knit warm clothing for themselves or family members. Feathers of domestic birds are used for decorative craft and fine art.
Aquarium Fish.Pets can be kept in special rooms (farmyard,stables, dog house), but can live and directly to the house of a man. Of the animals that live in the house, one containing the cells, aquariums, terrariums, and other "houses", and others (such as cats, dogs, rabbits and even monkeys) are allowed to move freely around the room.

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